Image d'entête


Wildlife management, environment and security

Trapping is an important tool for managing populations of furbearers. It allows, among other things, to manage populations of animals that do not have predators, it helps control nuisance species (such as beavers along roads and fields), to control the spread of certain diseases (rabies in raccoons) and to ensure proper management of wildlife populations and ecosystems. The work of the trapper is also important for managing wildlife in municipal areas, as well as agricultural and forested areas. Trapping also highlights the importance of furbearers as a renewable resource and contributes significantly to the economy.

Why is trapping a responsible activity?

Trapping helps protect private properties, habitats as well as public health while contributing to responsible management of wildlife.

Trapping supports an important fur industry. It provides the primary product that will be showcased by designers and manufacturers while ensuring the perennity of the resource.

Trapping is an economic activity that helps preserve our natural heritage, to live in harmony with wildlife, while obtaining food as well as supplementary income.

Learn more about the benefits of trapping

You want to become a trapper?


Becoming trapper

In order to practice the activity, the future trapper must pass the written exam of the training course “Trapping and management of furbearing animals” (PGAF) to obtain the trapping certificate. The certificate is required to purchase a license to trap furbearing animals in Quebec. Anyone aged 12 and over can take this training.

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